How to Get a Man by Refocusing His Attention

Men often feel left out in a group. To get them to approach you, refocus their attention. This is a simple trick, but it works.

Make him feel like your world doesn’t revolve around him. This will show him that you are confident and have your own interests outside of him.

1. Be yourself.

Embrace the things that make you unique, like your odd sense of humor, your obsession with Star Wars or your love for wallabies. A man will find these traits intriguing and want to learn more about you.

Don’t overshare, however. It’s important to keep some mystery about yourself. He will be more interested in you if he has to work for it.

It’s also important to have a life outside of him. This shows him that you value your own interests and that you can be happy with or without him. This is a sign of strength and self-love, which is very masculine. Men are drawn to strong women. They love the challenge of hunting them down and winning them over.

2. Be confident.

If you want to get a man, you have to be confident. A guy will be drawn to a woman who is in control of her life, knows what she wants and doesn’t play mind games or send mixed signals.

Confident people are able to separate the positive from negative realities and focus in on the positive, which is better for their mental health. They also are able to take risks and push themselves out of their comfort zone.

One way to build confidence is to face at least one fear a week. This can be anything from putting yourself in a public speaking situation to buying a stranger a coffee. Doing these things will force you to confront your fears and build up your emotional and physical muscle. The more you build up these muscles, the easier it will be to be confident around men.

3. Be curious.

Curiosity is a trait that can be nurtured. Research has shown that a person’s social environment influences their curiosity. This means that your community, workplace, and even family can affect how curious you are.

One way to become more curious is by reading new things. You can also try taking a different route to work, or try something new at the restaurant you go to for lunch.

However, it is important to note that curiosity can be a bad thing if you play it too much. You can become clingy or needy if you are too curious, which is not good for any relationship. Additionally, playing unavailable games can make him lose interest in you. It is best to stay in a happy medium.

4. Be humble.

Men love it when you compliment them, and it doesn’t have to be overly flattering. Try pointing out something that’s a little quirky about him, like his cute nose wiggle when he laughs or how crooked his smile is. It shows that you’re paying attention and that you’re interested in him.

Avoid nagging him about things that you want him to do or changing him into someone else. Nagging doesn’t help you get a man, and it often comes across as condescending. Instead, ask for constructive feedback from him and others.

Humility is about thinking of yourself less, and it’s not always easy to do. Practicing humility requires intentional self-reflection and awareness. This Bible study and message series might be helpful to encourage your efforts.

5. Be honest.

Honesty is a hard thing to practice, especially when it’s painful. But it’s one of the most important traits you can have in a relationship. Honesty leads to greater happiness, healthier relationships and more rewarding lives.

You can start by making sure your man knows that you won’t punish him for telling the truth. This will help him feel safe to speak his mind and express his feelings openly with you.

You can also show him that you take honesty seriously by treating him with respect. Avoid nagging, complaining, name-calling and gaslighting. Instead, learn to respectfully disagree and compromise. This will make your conversations less combative and negative and can even lead to better decisions. In the end, he’ll appreciate your maturity and respect. And he’ll be more likely to treat you the same way.

6. Be generous.

Generosity involves looking out for the needs of others. This can include giving money, time and possessions. It also includes giving of oneself and emotional energy. This kind of generosity can help prevent resentment and frustration in relationships and marriages.

However, true generosity does not involve the mindset of “quid pro quo.” Quid pro quo is an attitude that says, “If I give something to you, then you have to give me something in return.” This type of attitude can kill any relationship.

To spot a generous man, see how he treats his family and friends. For example, does he make sure his kids are well fed or do he go out of his way to lend a hand when needed? Also, does he give to charity and other causes? If he does, that’s a great sign.

7. Be kind.

Men are attracted to women with full, vibrant lives and interesting things going on. They also value women who can be independent and have their own social calendars.

It’s important to leave a little mystery and preserve some of your own independence, but you can do so without being clingy or selfish. For example, if he wants to hang out with his guy friends and he asks you to go along, be happy for him and go.

Likewise, don’t bring up past flings or other negative aspects of his life. Talking about these things can be depressing and draining. Instead, try to find something positive to share – like your mutual love of Family Guy. Or your common interest in science. Or your shared love of a particular restaurant. This will make him see you as a kindred spirit.

8. Be humble.

Men want to feel powerful and able to help others. To do this, they need to be humble. Humility is a virtue that can be practiced by learning to appreciate others and the things around you.

Instead of telling a man that something is nice about him, try to show him through your actions. For example, you could invite him to go on an adventure with you. Or you could give him a challenge, such as a karate class or hand boxing lesson.

Also, avoid nagging him. It’s okay to ask him for help, but you should do it in a respectful manner. For example, you could say, “Your nose is cute when it wiggles.” This is a great compliment because it’s not flat out saying how beautiful he is. It also sparks the hero instinct in him.

9. Be confident.

Getting a guy to like you is easier when you feel confident around him. Confidence is like a superpower that makes you look and act your best, which is catnip to men!

A confident man recognizes his fears and insecurities, but he does not allow these to paralyze him. He takes action and is willing to put in the work to achieve his goals. He has faith that his efforts will pay off in the end.

He is attracted to women who have a full life outside of him, interesting hobbies, and things going on in their lives. Confident women make him feel good about himself for being with them. They love themselves too much to suck value from him. It is a turn off for guys to see bad energy. They want to be around happy people!

10. Be curious.

A man will be intrigued by a woman who is eager to learn about him. He will be interested in hearing about his hobbies and interests, and he will enjoy being asked questions about himself. Be careful not to overshare though. Men are not attracted to women who make their lives revolve around them, constantly chatting about themselves or complaining or gossiping.

Embrace curiosity by joining groups such as book clubs, volunteer organizations and enthusiast groups. These social environments will encourage you to interact with others who are interested in learning and exploring new things. Kashdan notes that people who are curious experience higher levels of happiness than those who are not. In addition, people who are curious have greater self-expansion and exhibit more prosocial behaviors. This translates into better relationships. In fact, research suggests that even long-term romantic relationships can benefit from keeping the interest alive through curiosity.

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