Confidence – How to Make a Man Want You

When it comes to making a man want you, confidence is key. This can be reflected in the way you speak, dress and carry yourself around him.

It’s also important to be fun to be around. Guys will be drawn to a woman who can laugh and lighten up the mood when needed.

1. Be yourself

Trying to be someone you’re not will only make him think of you as an impostor. Instead, let him see your innate good qualities such as being creative or daring.

Men also like to see that you have a life independent of them. Clingy women can be a turn-off, so try to give him space by not always texting back immediately or making plans right away.

It’s important to decide what your values are and stick to them. This will help him respect you. It’s also a great way to make him want you by showing that you are confident enough to stand up for what you believe in. This is a major turn on for most men, and it will help to keep him interested in you.

2. Be confident

Men love women who are confident in themselves – quirks and all. You don’t have to be super-sexy, but a little bit of self-assurance can turn him on. Try complimenting him on his looks (in a tasteful way, of course), or tell him you like how he’s always so good at sports.

He’ll also love it if you’re open to trying new things. If he’s into rock-climbing, for example, be willing to join him. Being open to new experiences will also show him that you’re not afraid of being different, which is a big turn-on for many men.

As James Bauer points out in this free video, most men put women into one of two baskets: the “one and only” or the “one of many.” Make him feel like the former by making him feel respected and valued — and by keeping him guessing.

3. Be positive

There are certain phrases you can use, texts you can send, and little requests you can make to trigger his hero instinct. When he feels like he is the one who earns your love and attention, he will be much more interested in being in a relationship with you. This means that he will show more interest in you when you talk, and he will be more likely to ask you about your day.

This doesn’t mean that you should send him revealing photos of yourself all the time, but instead you should show him that you are happy and enjoy your life. This will make him think about you and will make him want to keep you around. You need to be ungettable. That is the only way he will really want you. This is a difficult thing to do but it is worth it in the end.

4. Be open

Men are not as in touch with their emotions, and they sometimes have trouble processing and understanding them. But you can help them by being open about your feelings and your expectations in a relationship.

This is one of the best ways to make him want you. Men are attracted to women who can be honest about their feelings and expectations, but also remain confident.

Don’t be overly clingy, but show him that you have your own life apart from him. Leave a bit of mystery by not always responding to his texts right away or saying yes to all his invites. This will make him wonder if you’re really interested and it will push him to text or call you. You can also try flirting with him with little things, like lightly touching his arm or batting his eyelashes.

5. Be a good listener

Men value a woman who is able to listen to their opinions. When you hear him talk about his goals, dreams and aspirations, make sure to share your own views in a way that shows he’s heard. And don’t forget that 60-80% of communication is nonverbal. So when he says something, pay attention to his facial expressions, trembling hands and tense shoulders.

When you show him that you’re listening, he will appreciate it and want to spend more time with you. It can be as simple as writing him a little note that you leave in his bag or on the seat of his car, buying him his favorite candy or cooking him a surprise meal. It can also involve more subtle ways of showing him that you care, like putting on your favorite perfume. This will give off a sweet scent that will make him crave you.

6. Be honest

Men are simple beings and they like it when you tell them what you mean. It makes them feel like you trust them and that you are a honest person. This doesn’t mean that you need to tell him everything, but rather what is important for the relationship.

This could be something as small as letting him know that you are thinking about him while you are away. It is also a good idea to occasionally compliment him on his looks or send him text messages that make him smile.

Another way to be honest is by being proactive in bed. This shows that you are interested in him and it will definitely make him want you. Plus, it will help to keep the spark alive in the relationship. The last thing you want is for him to start losing interest in you.

7. Be a good friend

Men love women who are confident and secure in themselves. You can show this by being positive and upbeat, but also by living your own life – pursue your goals, meet friends, and so on. This will make him want you more.

Being a good friend can also make him want you. For example, you can try new things together (like going bungee jumping). This will not only be a fun experience, but it will also show him that you are adventurous and open to new experiences.

You can also be a good friend by checking in with him or giving him little reminders that you’re thinking of him. This can be anything from writing him a note to buying him his favorite dessert. It doesn’t have to be over the top, but it should be something that he will appreciate.

8. Be a good dancer

One of the best things you can do to make a man want you is to be fun. Guys are drawn to girls who have a good time and can keep up with them on the dance floor.

Men love to dance with women who can follow them and make their bodies their instrument, so learning how to be a good follower is a great way to make him want you. It also helps if you can make him laugh, as that is another thing that many men find attractive in a woman.

It’s also a good idea to have your own life outside of him, so that he knows you can be independent and not need him. This will also make him jealous and want you more. He will also fear losing you, which is a great feeling for any guy.

9. Be a good cook

Men like to feel needed in a relationship. Small gestures such as bringing him his favorite snack or asking for his advice can make him feel loved and important. However, it is important to remember not to be clingy and to give him space in the relationship.

Having a good sense of humor is also an effective way to make him want you. Guys love to laugh and are attracted to women who make them smile. Make sure to laugh at his jokes and let him know you appreciate his humor.

10. Be a good listener

Men love to be heard, and it makes them feel valued. If you listen to him and show that his opinions matter to you, he will appreciate you even more. You can do this by avoiding paraphrasing and putting your own emotional reactions into your response, and instead trying to truly hear what he is saying.

You can also flirt a little by touching him in unexpected ways, like lightly brushing his hand or grabbing hold of his neck. And don’t be afraid to send him a few sexy selfies, but make sure you don’t overdo it. You don’t want to seem too needy. If you need help being a better listener, talking to a therapist can be helpful. They can help you develop more effective communication skills that will make him want you.

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