Taking care of yourself can be an overwhelming task. But it doesn’t have to be.
Self-care is very personal and may require trial and error to find what works best for you.
Even things like prioritizing annual checkups or keeping your home tidy can be considered self-care, says therapist Amy Morin, LCSW.
Take a bath or shower
It’s no secret that baths are popular with kids, but as an adult with a schedule to keep and bills to pay, you might not think you have the time for a warm soak until your fingers get pruney. But you might be surprised to learn that bathing isn’t just for kids and can actually benefit your body in some surprising ways.
The health perks of taking a bath are numerous. Not only are they soothing and comforting, but they can also help lower blood pressure and balance serotonin levels. Just make sure to rinse off your soap thoroughly so it doesn’t cling to dry skin.
Drink a glass of water
It might sound obvious, but a glass of water is a simple and effective way to instantly boost your mood. Water helps balance your body’s hormone levels and reduce stress.
Avoid sugary snacks that will spike your blood sugar and lead to a crash. Instead, eat healthy snacks that will give you a boost of energy, such as bananas with peanut butter, veggies with hummus, or a handful of nuts and granola.
Self-care doesn’t have to be a big event, but it does need to become part of your daily routine. Try incorporating some of these quick self care tips into your busy schedule. It only takes a few minutes and can make a huge difference in your mental, emotional, and physical well-being! You’ll be glad you did.
Go for a walk
There is so much negativity and stress in the world, so it’s important to find a way to unwind. Even a small dose of exercise can help with that. Going for a walk, stretching, and moving your body is one of the best ways to get some much-needed relaxation.
Self-care is a wide range of practices that promotes your physical, emotional, spiritual, and mental health. Some of the best examples include getting enough sleep, exercising regularly, and seeking professional healthcare services when needed. Practicing these quick self care tips on a daily basis can improve your mood, reduce stress levels, and make you more resilient when life throws its curve balls. Try to incorporate these 5-minute wellness activities into your everyday routine and see the benefits for yourself!
Listen to a podcast
Podcasts are on-demand audio shows covering a wide range of topics. They’re easy to listen to while doing other tasks, like commuting or working out.
From narrative storytelling that fosters empathy to news-driven, informative shows that can boost your knowledge, there’s a podcast out there for everyone. And the best part? Most podcasts are free.
You can search for podcasts in your favourite app or browse by categories or featured, popular or trending to find something that suits your mood. You can also ask friends or family for recommendations. Once you’ve found a few podcasts that you enjoy, you can subscribe to them so you don’t miss any episodes. They’ll download automatically and be available when you want to listen. Most podcast apps will allow you to download episodes to your phone or tablet for offline listening.