Men are attracted to women who offer emotional intimacy, support and encouragement. They also seek commitment and fidelity from their partners.
They want a partner they can depend on, who won’t leave them for the next attractive prospect. And they want to feel that their efforts are appreciated. That’s what real love is about.
1. Honesty
Men are looking for a woman they can trust, and they expect to be trusted in return. This requires honesty, which is a fundamental element of any relationship.
Honesty is more than just telling the truth; it is a character trait that guides one’s thoughts, feelings and actions. It is a virtue that stands in contrast to lying, deceit, cheating, stealing and any other behavior that goes against what you consider morally right.
People who are honest are called upright, just, conscientious, scrupulous or honorable. They adhere to the highest moral standards and are guided by a strong sense of duty. They are a model for others to follow. They do the right thing even when it costs them something. They don’t lie because they believe it is a good idea or because they want to win someone’s favor.
2. Understanding
Men want to be respected and listened to, but they also want their own space. They don’t want their partner to smother them or depend on them for emotional support. They prefer to express their feelings through action and will seek solutions when they’re having trouble.
Understanding means knowing how to interpret and apply knowledge in a practical context. It’s a mental process that involves reflection and contemplation, as well as the ability to question and challenge what one has learned.
Some philosophers argue that there is a distinction between understanding and knowledge, and that understanding is essentially an epistemic good (Khalifa 2017, 2017b). However, other thinkers maintain that there is no significant difference between understanding and knowing a correct explanation. They are just two different ways of approaching the world. See also epistemology. adv.: tolerantly and sympathetically: She’s been very understanding about the problems she’s facing.
3. Respect
Men want to feel a sense of respect in their relationship. It’s important to show your man that you appreciate him and everything he does for you. Whether it’s as simple as taking out the trash or as significant as a career achievement, you should make it clear that you’re proud of him.
Many people believe that respect is a matter of gender, meaning that men should be respected by women and vice versa. However, this is not necessarily true. In fact, the most important thing that any person can offer another is respect, and this should be mutual.
If you treat your partner with respect, they will return the favor. This will keep your relationship strong and healthy. In addition, it’s important to respect your partner’s need for space. They need time to recharge and work on their own goals and ambitions.
4. Passion
For some people, passion is a hobby such as playing a sport or working on a creative project. Others are passionate about their careers or giving back to their community. To discover your passion, start by thinking about what you enjoy doing and how happy it makes you. Then, ask yourself whether these activities align with your life’s purpose.
Passions keep you motivated and help you to stay interested in the world around you. They also give you the drive to keep learning and develop new skills. However, it is common for a sense of passion to fade in long-term relationships. If this happens, don’t despair – it is completely normal. You can re-frame your relationship to keep the spark alive. This may involve taking steps like prioritizing certain aspects of the relationship or trying something new.
5. Dependability
Dependability means being able to be counted on, or trustworthy. A dependable person will do what they say they’ll do, and do it well each time.
For an employee, dependability means showing up for work each day and contributing to meetings. It also means coming prepared with research or ideas to contribute to projects. Dependable employees do their jobs without needing to contact management for guidance or reminders, and they are the first to offer assistance to coworkers when needed.
Punctuality is one of the best ways to demonstrate dependability. Set alarms, write a to-do list or whatever works for you to make sure you show up on time for work and meetings. A dependable employee will be ready to begin working immediately, rather than lingering over breakfast or distractedly checking social media. Being a dependable employee will benefit your career and relationships.
6. Compassion
Compassion is the ability to recognize and share another’s suffering. It is a key virtue in many religions and is considered to be one of the highest virtues by most philosophers.
The root of the word compassion is from a Latin verb meaning “to suffer together” or “to feel pain with.” It is closely related to empathy, but is different because it involves active action to alleviate another’s suffering.
It is also a distinct emotion from love, which has many forms, but generally centers on affection and the motivation to be physically and psychologically close. Recent evolutionary arguments suggest that compassion evolved as a distinct state and trait because it promotes the welfare of offspring and enables cooperation with non-kin. Research suggests that compassionate people display prosocial facial actions, posture, soothing vocalizations and tactile behavior. They are also more likely to be rated as helpful and generous.
7. A sense of humor
Laughter is a natural way to defuse stressful situations and can help develop empathy in children. It can also boost immunity, reduce heart rates, blood pressure and stress levels.
Humor is universal across cultures, but it hasn’t been given much scientific attention until recently. Historically, psychologists have framed humor negatively, suggesting it demonstrates superiority or vulgarity, or as a way to mask Freudian id conflict.
Those with a good sense of humor are pleasant in their amusement and do not take jokes too far or offend others. They are also aware of their audience and the occasion. This way, they can make jokes that will be acceptable and enjoyable for everyone. They don’t feel the need to censor themselves to avoid offending other people. They can even be seen laughing at their own jokes when they go wrong.
8. Physical intimacy
Men need frequent physical touch in their relationships. This doesn’t necessarily mean sex, but it could include affectionate touch like a hug or peck on the cheek or even cuddling. Men may be more inclined to consider their partners as loving if they’re able to express love through physical expressions.
This doesn’t mean that women can’t enjoy these expressions as well, but it should be consensual and in line with both partners’ boundaries. Ultimately, physical intimacy is all about the level of closeness that you and your partner are comfortable with. If you feel uncomfortable with any level of physical intimacy, it’s worth talking to a professional about it. Find a therapist online through BetterHelp.
10. A sense of humor
Sense of humor is the ability to be amused or smile at something. It’s a trait that is observed in people of all cultures, ages, and intellectual levels. People are often referred to as having a “good sense of humor” (shortened to GSOH on dating sites) because it’s an important characteristic in relationships and social interactions.
People with a good sense of humor find things funny, even if it’s at themselves or their own expense. They are pleasant in their amusement and don’t laugh at other’s misfortunes or say hurtful things.
Humor is a key part of positive psychology, which focuses on character strengths that make us feel good and help us cope with stress. Humor is one of those strengths, along with gratitude, hope, and spirituality. It’s also a natural antidote to anger and aggression.