Self improvement can be a challenging but rewarding process. Whether it’s breaking bad habits, or simply taking time for yourself, there are a lot of things you can do to make yourself feel better.
For example, if you find that spending time with negative people is chipping away at your confidence, learn how to deflect those comments. Also, make sure to prioritize exercise!
1. Start with yourself.
Most self-improvement goals boil down to behavior change. Whether it’s exercising more, getting more organized or improving your social skills, the key is to set realistic goals and stick to them.
It’s important to surround yourself with people who also want to be their best. This will help keep you motivated. You should also be willing to try new things and take risks. Sometimes this means stepping outside of your comfort zone, such as speaking in front of an audience or trying a new hobby.
It’s also important to celebrate your achievements. Whether it’s a day at the spa or just spending an entire workday without checking your phone, celebrating your victories will help you stay motivated to accomplish your goals. You can even reward yourself with a small gesture, such as buying a new book or creating a reading nook.
2. Set realistic goals.
Taking steps to improve yourself often means pushing yourself outside of your comfort zone. Whether it’s learning to speak French or starting your own business, these goals require a lot of hard work and dedication.
Setting realistic goals is a great way to motivate yourself and inspire action. On the other hand, unrealistic goals can have a negative impact on your motivation and development, leading to frustration, procrastination, and disappointment.
When creating your self improvement goals, consider making them SMART (specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, time-limited). This can help you create clear, action-packed objectives that are within reach and will propel you toward your ideal future. You can also ask for feedback from friends, family members, and colleagues to make sure your objectives are realistic.
3. Focus on your strengths.
The most important tip for self improvement is to focus on your strengths. Think about what areas you excel in at work, what activities you enjoy and what training you’ve received. Then, figure out how to cultivate those in different areas of your life.
Using your strengths will give you greater energy than focusing on weaknesses. It’s also easier to learn new skills when you’re already good at something.
However, you shouldn’t go overboard with your strengths. A narcissistic superiority complex can be just as dangerous as an inferiority doormat. It’s best to balance both — focus on your strengths, but don’t be afraid to improve in the areas where you’re weak. This will make you a well-rounded person.
4. Ask for feedback.
Asking for feedback can be difficult and intimidating. Especially when you feel you’re being targeted. However, it’s an essential part of a healthy work culture and can help you accelerate your professional growth.
When you ask for feedback, be clear on what kind you are looking for. Otherwise, you’ll end up with dissatisfying results. For instance, if you just say “check out my new presentation,” you will probably end up with a long list of improvement suggestions that could make you feel discouraged, rather than encouraged.
Choosing the right people to ask for feedback can also be difficult. Choose colleagues who have seen you in different situations and can offer a well-rounded perspective. Also, try not to spring feedback requests on people at random.
5. Take care of yourself.
Taking care of yourself is an important part of self improvement. It can help you be more productive, focus on the things that matter most to you, and stay resilient in the face of setbacks.
You can take many different approaches to self-care, from scheduling time for activities you enjoy to setting aside money to invest in yourself. Some forms of self-care can be as simple as spending time outdoors or engaging in grounding—the act of walking barefoot on the earth to reduce stress, improve mental health, and increase energy.
Often, self-care involves removing the things that drain your energy and embracing those that energize you. For example, if you’re dealing with someone who makes you feel stressed out or exhausted, distance yourself from them to improve your mental health.